About Us


Our Story

james lovett michael mcpherson thepurposeled amazon agency

ThePurposeLed was founded on a first-hand understanding of Amazon. After more than a decade of launching and building category-leading brands on the platform, the demand to help others to do the same grew steadily from consulting into a full-service agency.

The story of ThePurposeLed began in 2015 after Co-Founders Michael and James became friends as their children attended the same baby group. As their families grew so did their use of similar goods and services, exchanging brand preferences as much as parental tips, their shared belief in supporting purpose-led brands became a uniting factor and the founding principle of ThePurposeLed.

In 2019 building on James’ growing consulting engagements supporting brands on Amazon, Michael brought his experience growing digital agencies to expand the services and grow the business. As the demand for their services grew, the shared interest in supporting purpose-led brands set the direction for who to work with and ThePurposeLed was launched.

ThePurposeLed exists on a belief in making ethical, sustainable & purpose-led brands more visible on Amazon and has been very fortunate to work with a range of brands from a cross-section of categories, all connected by prioritising purpose.

Our Operating Principles

Three simple principles that provide a guide for every interaction, action and every decision.


1. We Find Solutions

When presented with challenges regardless of the source we focus on accountable behaviours - looking for solutions and moving things forward.


2. We Are Transparent

Transparency develops and ensures trust. It also speeds everything up. We are open in all that we do and will be open with you in areas you need to be challenged.


3. We Continuously Improve

Technology, market trends and consumer expectations are forever evolving. We seek to be better in all that we do. Learning, applying and continuously improving.

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Please visit our resources page for free insights and guides to help if you are taking a DIY approach to improve on Amazon.