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Our Sustainable Growth Programme Provided…

167% YoY Growth on Amazon (Dec 2021 vs Dec 2022)

86% Rise in Subscribe & Save customers (Feb 2022 vs Feb 2023)

15% Increase in conversions following refreshed branding and creatives

We sat down with the BONRAW team to discuss their journey with Amazon, and how our support has helped solidify the platform as one of its biggest revenue drivers and a vital discovery channel.

In a discussion with BONRAW’s COO, Joe Gailani, he shared that Amazon had always been a part of their channel plan. From the start, their goal was to be available through as many touchpoints as possible, be it brick-and-mortar or e-commerce. They saw Amazon as a very popular marketplace, and they predicted that a large proportion of their customer base would shop there due to the convenience of the platform. However, they weren’t naïve about the potential challenges a channel like Amazon could trigger.

“It was a new platform for us to be working on, and it requires a lot of time and effort. During the early stages, we were doing very low revenue each month and we weren’t running any targeted ads, so we weren’t aware of how large the opportunities were for us on Amazon.”

BONRAW’s Intro to Amazon


Their Journey with ThePurposeLed

The BONRAW team was given the advice to get a strong partnership in place early on, after getting a feel for the platform and establishing a strong base knowledge of how the operations worked.

“For us, we needed a partner that wasn’t just going to take the workload off, we needed a partner that was going to bring us forward. Otherwise, you’ll fall into a spiral of doing similar revenue while still paying a base rate and a commission, while feeling that it’s all a waste of time and potentially even going backwards.”

With this in mind, we set about creating a strategy that would better capture an audience while ensuring that the platform remains profitable for the business. Our market analysis brought to light how we could better position these products and that was through introducing a larger and more cost-efficient format to the range. This proposition had value-add potential for both producer and consumer.

“From the insights, presented to us by ThePurposeLed, we understood that we needed to look at a larger product format and in doing so it really unlocked our potential.”


BONRAW & Amazon Launchpad

Not long after these changes took effect, BONRAW was invited to join Amazon Launchpad. A scheme to support sustainable businesses with their growth on the platform.

In our conversation with Joe of BONRAW, he shared that he was advised that you’ll need some expertise in account management to successfully take part in the scheme. 

“There are a lot of initiatives that Amazon will put forward for you to take part in. But as a smaller brand, you can’t say yes to everything, even if it’s really tempting to do so. With Launchpad, we were fortunate enough to have two excellent account managers. They really worked for us and were an ambassador to Bonraw and acted as a buffer between us and Amazon.”

“Amazon will have their algorithms in place, but at the same time for us to grow, we needed a human touch to also be in place there.”


Amazon & Beyond

Amazon is an important discovery channel for BONRAW, it has helped grow a brand awareness that would be difficult to acquire elsewhere. And through our partnership, the channel is and has remained profitable for them. The investment they put in whether that be for campaigns or by optimising product formats can be seen substantially returned to them. It’s this sustainable growth that has brought BONRAW to a position where they can now look at opportunities to expand into the US and Germany.

Our relationship with BONRAW has grown from strength to strength over the past 2 years. We’ve fostered a partnership that is both productive and collaborative. They know sugar and we know Amazon, and together we’ve brought a truly exciting challenger brand to the forefront on Amazon.  


Final thoughts from BONRAW…

“They’ve been fantastic, not just fantastic, amazing. Because we’re in an environment, where there have been challenges, we’ve had lockdowns, inflation, and shortages of raw materials and packaging, but there has always been a plan there to help us navigate through it. So, I can’t speak any more highly of them, I’d recommend them to anyone, because I do think they are great and I do think they show results and long may that continue.”

- Joe Gailani, BONRAW COO

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