We Are Proud To Support: HOWND

hownd vegan dog food

Amazon Sales Up 800%
Products Launched
& A Full Re-Brand

Historically Amazon was far from a key channel for HOWND with legacy issues on the platform and very little progress, it was mostly a source of frustration.

Then HOWND joined ThePurposeLed on its Sustainable Growth Programme, involving a full platform re-brand with ongoing strategy, advertising and channel management.

The partnership provided substantial Amazon growth for HOWND then a new fulfilment process along with a revision of the product formats has focused HOWND on profitable activity on the channel.

Within the first year of working with ThePurposeLed HOWND saw:

  • A record 803% growth in sales with a TACOS of 9%.

  • The re-design of its Amazon brand presence including A+ Premium.

  • The launch of its dog food range with multiple lines becoming top sellers.

“Before we joined ThePurposeLed we were not fully aware of the opportunities Amazon held for HOWND products. We had launched on Amazon some time ago but without much success and eventually left it to 3rd parties to sell our products.

ThePurposeLed transformed our understanding of the platform and what’s possible. We are very happy so far and confident in what gets discussed for the future of our brand on the platform.”

- Mark Hirschel, HOWND Co-Founder

For a more detailed read on HOWND take a look at our Brand Spotlight Blog Post here, discover HOWND’s Amazon Storefront here or visit their website dogslovehownd.com

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