Founders with Dreams EP03 - INGENIOUS

ingenious beauty collagen

In our third episode of the Founders with Dreams Series, we spoke with Pupinder Ghatora, CEO & Co-Founder of INGENIOUS - the game-changing collagen supplement brand and creator of INGENIOUS Beauty Ultimate Collagen.

Pupinder and the INGENIOUS team have been at the forefront of Collagen supplements since its early days, setting standards in product development and constantly striving to bring the best in class, clinically proven supplements to the market by putting customers and the planet first.

This is a really honest and insightful interview and if you are curious about the ever-growing popularity of collagen supplements, this podcast will leave you informed on all aspects. Thank you Pupinder!

You can follow the series on Spotify via this LINK or listen below:

Michael McPherson

Michael is one of the Co-founders here at ThePurposeLed


Founders with Dreams EP04 - FUSHI


Founders with Dreams EP02 - HOWND